Friday, June 4, 2010

One of my favorite movies

Hello guys! This time, I want to talk about movies. Specific, it is one of my favorite movies.

This time, the movie that I talk about is called Battle Royale, a Japanese movie. The story consists of

Japan pos World War II, where the kids of 9th grade of one school, choose at random, are kidnapped, and they put on an island.

The military authorities that kidnapped them, order the kids to kill each every one until just one survived.

Each kid has a collar that contains a bomb. There're several rules related with the collar:

  • If a kid tries to take off the collar, his or her bomb explodes.
  • If a kid is on a part of the island called "dangerous zone", the collar explodes.
  • If in twenty four hours, there' is no kills, all the collars explode too.
  • If a kid try to escape from the island, his or her collar explodes.

As well, there are two boys, they have orders (from the military supervisor) to kill all the kids.

The main characters are four, Shuya Nanahara and his girlfriend Noriko Nakagawa; Shogo Kawada, the survivor of a preview "Battle Royal" and

And Kazuo Kiriyama (one of the assassins).

The movie when was released, it caused a lot controversy. It has too much violence and it treats topics of egoism and individualism. But there's a moral of the story.

The friendship and love always prevail over bad feelings. I like this movie because the different aspects that we can analyze the movie. We can analize the movie from
Psychology and Sociology, for example. Well, that's all for today.


Good bye!

1 comment:

  1. I did´t hear about this movie, it´s appeard very interesting, probably will be the next movie that I will see.
