Friday, April 16, 2010

Earthquake in Chile! My experience...

Well, there are multiple experiences about the Earthquake. In my case, I had been celebrating my birthday on a party with my friends. At the moment of the earthquake, I was dancing with a girlfriend. Then the floor started to shake and we couldn't walk. Many friends went out the house. I stayed with two friends, close to the entrance. We have a swimming pool, and the water started to come out. The three minutes and a half that lasted the earthquake were awful. One of the friends next to me cried, worried about his mother and brother. They live in a building on the sixth floor. The electricity went out and cell phones didn’t work. My cell phone has a radio, and I started to hear Cooperativa radio station. The newscaster said: The earthquake has an intensity of 8,8 on Richter scale. Wow!

(This is a photo of that night, before the earthquake)


  1. Hi
    you were in Santiago that day?
    so, you´re birthday the the of the earthquake? or this day you onle stay in the celebration?


