Sunday, June 27, 2010

My favorite Sport

Hello boys and girls! This time I'll talk about Basketball, my favorite sport.

Well, Basketball is a sport that it plays with the hands and a ball. The game consist of two teams of five players each one. The objective of the team is put the ball in the hoop of the team antagonist. If you throw the ball from inside of the half circle you score two points. If you throw the ball outside the half circle, you score three points. Each player must bounce the ball to advance on the court. You can only give two footsteps without bouncing. The sport requires technique for throw, pass the ball, dribbling and jump. It's a sport of contact. It needs a lot of practice, to manage the ball and play as a team. The time of the match is divided on four periods. The time is variable; it depends of the rules of the tournament. In National Basketball Association, the most famous league of the world, periods are during twelve minutes. The team with more points at the end of the fourth period wins the match.

I practice basketball since I was a little kid. I started at age of eight years. In my school period, I trained three-four times a week. I loved it. But in my last year in the school, I had a seriously injury on my knee. It was terrible for me. It required an operation to repair the damage of the ligament and six mouths of recovery. I tried to get back to the Basketball in my first year of the University, but again my knee suffered a new injury. Since that time I didn't train Basketball anymore. It was very sad. But the live continues...

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Photograph with my cousins

Hello people that follow this blog! How are we? This time I'll talk about this photograph:

Ha ha ha…

Well, this photo it's took it in A Shop called "Baúl de la Abuela". The people that appeared in it, are my sister and cousins.

From left to right: My cousin Ignacio; my cousins Monserrat and Macarena (they are sisters); Me; Francisca the smallest; my sister Maria Paz; Consuelo (sister of Ignacio) and Sergio, old brother of Francisca.

The photo was taken in 2006, when my uncles (brothers of my father) starts a new business, a restaurant. They need photos and pictures to decorate the restaurant and it's the reason for they got us to the Shop. I didn't want to take me a photo with a top hat, but my Aunt (mother of Macarena and Monserrat) insist. Finally I accepted. That day after took the photographs, we went to eat pizza at Pizza Hut. It was very nice from my uncles to invite us. I ate a lot of pieces of pizza, he he.

At first look, I thought this photo isn't my style. Also I didn't want to go to the Store. But Now I think of other way. It was one of the only photos that I appeared with all my cousins. It's a nice family heirloom.

Monday, June 14, 2010

My favorite Hobby

Hello guys! What's up? This time I want to talk about my favorite hobby.

Well, I think that I haven't only one favorite hobby, but there's one that I practice always.

It is riding a bike. I love it. If I have enough time, I go to everywhere. I go to the University on my bike too.

I started to practice since I was a little kid. My first bike I got it at age of five. Months later, before my 6th Birthday, I learned to ride the bike without the "little wheels". I fell from the bicycle many times, but it was worth it.
Just like I said, I go to my University on my bike. But, there is one trouble. When I come back to my home, I arrive too agitated and sweated. These days, I take a shower three times a day. First, in the morning, later after doing exercises in the gym, and finally when I arrive to my home.

With this weather I stopped to ride my bike. I prefer days of spring or summer. But, when the weather is good, I don't doubt it.

Sometimes, I like to ride on my bike to the top of San Cristobal Hill. It's a very nice landscape and many people ride on their bikes too. It's a familiar place; there are people jogging and children with parents and old people walking.

I'd like in the future make a long travel on my bike. I hope to do some day.



Friday, June 4, 2010

One of my favorite movies

Hello guys! This time, I want to talk about movies. Specific, it is one of my favorite movies.

This time, the movie that I talk about is called Battle Royale, a Japanese movie. The story consists of

Japan pos World War II, where the kids of 9th grade of one school, choose at random, are kidnapped, and they put on an island.

The military authorities that kidnapped them, order the kids to kill each every one until just one survived.

Each kid has a collar that contains a bomb. There're several rules related with the collar:

  • If a kid tries to take off the collar, his or her bomb explodes.
  • If a kid is on a part of the island called "dangerous zone", the collar explodes.
  • If in twenty four hours, there' is no kills, all the collars explode too.
  • If a kid try to escape from the island, his or her collar explodes.

As well, there are two boys, they have orders (from the military supervisor) to kill all the kids.

The main characters are four, Shuya Nanahara and his girlfriend Noriko Nakagawa; Shogo Kawada, the survivor of a preview "Battle Royal" and

And Kazuo Kiriyama (one of the assassins).

The movie when was released, it caused a lot controversy. It has too much violence and it treats topics of egoism and individualism. But there's a moral of the story.

The friendship and love always prevail over bad feelings. I like this movie because the different aspects that we can analyze the movie. We can analize the movie from
Psychology and Sociology, for example. Well, that's all for today.


Good bye!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My favorite piece of technology

Hello boys and girls! Did you miss me? He he. This time, I like to talk about my favorite piece of technology. My favorite piece of technology is my computer. Why? Because all my life I have been a gamer. Many people can think that I’m a nerd, but I’m not. I’m a person with many different hobbies. One of these hobbies is the videogames. I used to participate in online tournaments for almost seven years. I participated in tournament called LAN parties (LAN is the abbreviation for Local Area Network) too. This year mi computer has broken, and I can’t play. One day when I turned on my computer, the screen was in blank. I hear the noise of the Operative System, but I can’t see anything. I think there is a trouble with the motherboard or the video card. I can’t prove this theory. I think on buy a new computer, but I don’t have enough money. I look in different Computer shops, compare prices and computer pieces, but I can’t buy all the pieces that I need. They are too expensive. I hope with a little help of my family, I can buy the pieces that I need to build a new computer.

Good Bye!